
Apa yang menghalang anda untuk melakukan Ibadah Korban setiap tahun?
Bukankah dengan berkorban menunjukkan kita berterima kasih kepada Allah s.w.t atas segala NIKMAT yang diberikanNya?
Tidakah Anda Ingin Menambahkan SAHAM AKHIRAT untuk Diri Anda?
Ayuh! Bersama kami!
Hidupkan syiar Islamdengan melaksanakan Ibadah Korban & Aqiqah sambil memberikan keceriaan & senyuman kepada golongan yang susah di negara jiran.
Tidakah Anda Ingin Berterima Kasih Pada Allah?
Tidakah Anda Ingin Membantu Anak Yatim & Golongan Yang Susah?
Tahukah Anda Dengan Seekor Kambing Korban Memberikan Erti Yang Sangat Istimewa Bagi Mereka?
Bayangkan bertapa hebatnya pahala yang akan diraih apabila anda melakukan Ibadah Qurban?
Tambahan pula yang menerima daging tersebut adalah dari kalangan Anak Yatim & Golongan yang Susah.
Seluruh anggota dari kambing tersebut mempunyai nilai bagi mereka. Sehingga kepala, mata, jantung, hati, limpa dan kulit dari kambing tersebut direbut dan diharapkan dari mereka ini. Tiada pembaziran berlaku.
“Tidak ada suatu amalan yang paling dicintai oleh Allah daripada Bani Adam ketika hari raya Eidul Adha selain menyembelih haiwan Qurban. Sesungguhnya haiwan itu akan datang pada hari kiamat (sebagai saksi) dengan tanduk, bulu dan kukunya… dan sesungguhnya darah haiwan korban telah terletak di suatu tempat di sisi Allah sebelum mengalir di tanah, kerana itu bahagiakan dirimu dengannya…” (Riwayat Tarmizi, Ibn Majah dan Hakimi)
Selain itu, dengan BERKORBAN sebenarnya kita juga berusaha untuk mencari keberkatan dalam hidup. Yang penting adalah tujuan kita berkorban dalam mencari keredhaan Allah di samping keikhlasan kita untuk menyebarkan sedekah bagi manfaat diri dan orang lain.
Asatizah Singapura Bersedia Untuk Membantu Perlaksanaan Ibadah Korban Tersebut Di Indonesia, Bangladesh, Afrika & Australia.
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Semoga Ibadah Qurban / Korban tersebut diterima Allah s.w.t dan diberikan ganjaran yang terbaik daripadaNya. Amin.
Korban Singapore 2023
Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, ‘There is nothing dearer to Allah Ta’ala during the days of sacrifice than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the day of Qiyamah with its horns, hair and hooves (to be weighed in reward).
History of Korban / Qurban
Korban Rites happens on the day of Eid Al Adha / Aidil Adha (also known as Eid el-Kbir in some languages). It is three days long and starts on 10th Zulhijjah (ذو الحجة), the 12th month of the Islamic Hijri Calendar. Eid Al Adha marks the end of the hajj pilgrimage period, thus it is also called Hari Raya Haji (festival of the pilgrimage) in Malay language.
The history of Korban ritual returns back to the time of prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him – pbuh). It is to commemorate the willingness of prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) to sacrifice his son, prophet Ismail (pbuh) in obedience to Almighty Allah. The practice of Korban was made an injunction in the 2nd year after the Muslims’ migration to Medina. Hence Eid Al Adha is also called the Festival of Sacrifice.
Animal for Korban
The animals to be slaughtered are goats, cows and camels. A Muslim can offer either a goat or sheep, or one seventh of a cow, buffalo or camel as korban animal, where seven people can agree to offer a cow, buffalo or camel at a time. Impaired animals cannot be slaughtered for korban religious rite, including animals that are blind or crippled.
Why Korban is Important ?
Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said: “On the 10th of Zil-Hijjah, there is no better act in the view of Allah than shedding the blood (of slaughtered animals). And verily sacrifice earns the approbation of Allah even before the drop of blood (of the slaughtered animal) falls on the ground. Hence you should offer it in good spirit. For every hair of the sacrificial animal, there is a blessing.”
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (r.a.) reports that the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w.) has said : “Whoever has the capacity to sacrifice and does not do so, should not come to the place where the Eid prayer is offered.” (Ibn Majah).
Who is Obliged to Offer The Sacrifice?
‘Korban’ is ‘wajib’ (compulsory) according to Imam Abu Hanifah (and sunnat-e-muakkadah according to other Imams) upon every ‘mukeem’ (domiciled) and who possesses 613.35 grams of silver or its equivalent in money, personal ornaments, stock in trade or any other form of wealth which is surplus to his/her basic needs. Each adult member of a family who possesses that much wealth must perform his/her own ‘Korban’ separately.
Hazrat Ibn Umar (r.a.) reports that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) lived in Madinah Munawarah for ten years and performed ‘Korban’ every year. (Tirmizi)
Note: Despite the fact that the Prophet (s.a.w.) was not obliged to sacrifice as he never possessed the required amount of wealth, he still did so as can be conceived from the above Hadith.
Can a Sacrifice be Made on Behalf of Someone Else?
A sacrifice can be made on behalf of others such as minor offspring. This offering is not ‘wajib’ (compulsory) but is ‘mustahab’ (desirable). Similarly if one decides to sacrifice on behalf of the spouse or a father decides to sacrifice on behalf of an adult offspring (apart from offering his/her own ‘Korban’) can do so with their permission. A sacrifice can also be made on behalf of a deceased Muslim. This can be classified into three categories:
- 1- If the deceased had made a will for a sacrifice then, it is permissible to sacrifice to fulfil the will but is incumbent to give all the meat of the sacrificed animal to the poor and needy (those who are entitled to receive ‘Zakaat’). (“Vide Shami” vol.5 p293)
- 2- Whether or not the deceased had made this will, his/her relative or friends can make a ‘nafl’ (voluntary) sacrifice from their own money; the meat of this sacrificed animal can be partaken by the rich and poor alike.
- 3- One may make a voluntary sacrifice from one’s own wealth for the deceased persons and this meat can partaken by all, rich and poor.
If ones intention is of mere remittance of recompense to a dead person then it will be superior to slaughter an animal during the Days of ‘Nahar’ instead of giving money in charity. This is because reward is attained both for spending wealth and for sacrificing.
In a ‘Hadith’ it is stated.
Hazrat Hanash (r.a.) reported: I saw Hazrat Ali (r.a.) sacrificing two rams. I asked him, “What is this?” He said: “Verily the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) left instruction to me to sacrifice on his behalf, and so I am sacrificing on his behalf. (Tirmizi, Abu Daud)
Note: Rasulullah (s.a.w.) is so generous that he had sacrificed on behalf of his whole ‘Ummah’ and we see here Hazrat Ali (r.a.) sacrificing for Rasulullah (s.a.w.) after he has passed away. We learn from this that we should also put a share of Rasulullah (s.a.w.) in our sacrifice.
Intention of Korban
There 3 types of intent to slaughter the animal on the Eid Al Adha day:
1. Korban / Qurban
Korban is widely the main intent for slaughtering animal on the Eid Al-Adha day. If a person has intention to do korban, it is wajib (obligatory) to distribute a portion of the uncooked meat to the poor and needy. It is sunnah (recommended) for the person doing the korban to partake a little of the korban meat.
2. Nazar
Nazar (also written as nadhr) is making a vow in the name of Allah. As an illustration, a person may make a vow of this type “O Allah, if you alleviate such and such a person from their sickness, I promise to sacrifice one sheep/goat etc”, then the person who make a vow is obliged to fulfil the sacrifice if the person is healed. In this case it is wajib to give away all the uncooked meat.
3. Aqiqah
Aqiqah is defined as the animal that is slaughtered on the occasion when the hair of a new born is shaved. It is sunnah to give away all the meat after it has been cooked. Moreover, the meat must be cut at the joints.